I Hate the French (Curves)
Louis Porter contacted me last week, asking if he could get some art out of me. Fortunately for me, I happened to be doing absolutely nothing, so I said "sure, what've you got?" Unfortunately for me, Louis replied with a word that I've been dreading for the longest time...... "Mecha."
Agh. I hate drawing mecha! Hell, I hate drawing anything that involves French curves and rulers-- cars, planes, and of course, robots. I just think that I don't have enough experience to be able to draw 'em as well as I draw other things. I suppose that's exactly why I agreed to do it. Here's how it turned out:
And another:
Anyway, it's been a good learning experience so far. I've been training myself in the use of those damned Curves, as well as freehanding some of the easier curves. It's also been rewarding to take a look at some of the Mecha stuff I've got on hand, for reference. I've been looking at Star Wars, Transformers, Metabarons, basically everything I've got at home-- even drawing on my memories of playing Armored Core a few years back.
At this point, I think I'm comfortable enough to do designs and pin-ups, but I think it'll be awhile still before I'm skilled enough to do Transformers or whetever.
(For more mecha, hit up: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v80/virtuabutch/lmpjr3_set1.jpg)
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