Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Mock You!

I'm keeping most of the art for Valaan under wraps, but I figure I can show you some preliminary art for the cover of the first issue. Me and Kereth (Cowe-Spigai, my terrific writer) went through a few samples while talking about the cover. Initially she wanted a simple head shot of Cael (the lead character) looking forlorn. I did a few, and then did two mock covers:

This one is based on achieving a more cinematic look. It's very dramatic, I think.

This one is based on those fantasy novels-- a la Sword of Truth series.

But Kereth saw another rough I did and thought that that would be better-- a shot of Cael on a cliff. Again, I did a few more thumbnails, and we settled on a design with Cael holding her sword, looking upwards.

And this is how it turned out:

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Of course, this isn't the final cover. I re-did the figure of Cael, and we're probably going to have a better colorist work on the image (I colored the ones above). But there you go! Some fun mock covers fo your enjoyment.


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